Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster/ 311 Lincoln 24 F4D Studios

About this poster

7 years ago I had the honor of creating a poster for the 311 show at Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. It was part of a bigger image which included all of the New York shows that were on July 10th, 11th, and 14th. The art was turned in to the printer on May 19th. The day before I turned them in I heard some very heartbreaking news. A shining member of the 311 community had passed away in a very tragic way. With a last minute request to the printer, I decided to honor this person by drawing her name into the print. Renee O’Neal passed away in Lincoln, CA on May 17, 2017.

The poster I honored her on had a blue alien front and center. For this show, I wanted to again honor her, exactly 7 years to the date in Lincoln, CA. I added a new blue alien, her favorite flower (Garbera Daisy), a glass heart in red and yellow, and I added her name as well. The glass heart is in reference to her favorite song “Speak Easy”. The lyrics “It's like the pain locked, In the part of your heart, It's never gonna leave it, Unless you start To warm it up, Be wise and be smart” came to mind as I drew this out.

As far as the composition to the piece, I referenced my “311 Amber Girl” piece that I did in 2013. That was the very first piece I created for 311, so I wanted to give a nod and thanks to you all for supporting this decade long journey of creating crazy art for your community.

It’s interesting, numbers always seem to play a factor in my life... I don’t know what it is but I find it incredibly interesting that Renee O’Neal passed away 7 years ago this day, and the poster I did back then was for 71117…. 7 years ago, 7-11-17. 😳…. Just a random thought.

This one is for you Renee 🖤

- Maxx242

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08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale

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Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster / 311 Lincoln 24 F4D Studios
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