Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster/ The Youngbloods San Francisco 68 Warren

About this poster

The title of this Family Dog poster number #125 is, "Alice Jaundice" which is a reference to the fact that this portrait was drawn from a 19th century photograph of her seen here as a teenager. Alice Pleasance Liddell was the daughter of a British university Don and had been part of the Victorian intellectual scene from early childhood. As this portrait by Julia Cameron, a prominent Victorian photographer captures, she was apparently quite charismatic, very poised, self-confident and capable of defending her ideas quite assertively. Due to this strong trait unusual for a Victorian child or woman at the time, it is said that she had three proposals of marriage before she was twelve years old! By the time the photo was taken she was already part of circle of women intellectuals and artists which history has chosen largely to forget because the Victorian era was one of substantial repression of women.

It is also noteworthy that Alice Liddell was, as a young girl, a neighbor and dear friend of Charles Dodson, aka Lewis Caroll, and was the inspiration for his most famous book, 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland'.

David Warren used a drawing of this young woman by the artist L. Kent Hollister to design this poster in 1968 advertising a dance concert sponsored by Chet Helms and the Family Dog at the Avalon Ballroom; Warren provided the floral border around the portrait and provided the lettering.

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  • Sold: 24
  • 6 Month Average:  $0
  • Average Price:  $63
  • Lowest Price:  $31
  • Highest Price:  $165
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08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale

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Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster / The Youngbloods San Francisco 68 Warren
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$ 63.00
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