Gig Poster
Chuck Ragan Red Bull Music New Brunswick 22 Everett
About this poster
his is based on the song “Meet You In The Middle” and the concept of outrunning yourself, your expectations, your past. Life is forever moving forward and in cases like mine, that momentum is blocking you from your own progression. That train is carrying miles of cars each filled with their own cargo; every experience adds a container you have to race against. One container is filled with thoughts of her, another with moments alone, and even more about your family.
To get ahead you race harder & faster than feels possible so life won’t get in your way, push until your engine feels like it’s about to break just enough to get ahead. When that hood meets that catcher in front, swerve hard and pray you aren’t wrecked. Anything to get to that other side.
A one-way ticket is a recipe for sorrow
If you're counting down miles in the eave of a long haul
We're running on empty on numbers borrowed
With heavy eyes tripping between the lines and the dashboard
Bless your heart, bless your soul
I'm proud to buckle up with you to grow old
It just takes one hit to put you in your place
That hit can be saying goodbye on a text because she can’t say it to your face. That hit can be a text a week later saying she misses you while you’re away and can’t see her. That hit is knowing she can’t talk and you erased her numbered. Keep pushing, Life is squeezing you. Keep you up. Don’t let your heels be tripped up, get steady, ready, and roll, hold fast down the line. She’ll be fading in your rear view while you look ahead. She’s trapped by split road decisions, a leaking garage on top of a hill by a busy road with one set of keys to loan to her ex because he lost his. She’s in a town with a broken train track that no one wants to fix, running down the middle. She’s stuck in that town, stuck in that life, because she can’t meet you in the middle.
Edition Details
- Class: Gig Poster
- Release Date: 07/30/2022
- Print Type: Show Edition (SE)
- Designer: Jeffrey Everett (El Jefe Design)
- Technique: Screen Print
- Size: 24" x 18" (60.96 x 45.72 cm)
Gig Details
- Band: Chuck Ragan
- Band: Matt Pryor
- Band: Cory Branan
- Band: Jared Hart
- Date: 07/30/2022
- Venue: Court Tavern
- City: New Brunswick
- State: New Jersey
- Country: United States
- Sold: 0
- 6 Month Average: $0
- Average Price: $0
- Lowest Price: $0
- Highest Price: $0
- Original Price: $0
Price History
08/16/2021 | $350.00 | Private Sale |
08/16/2021 | $800.00 | Private Sale |
07/29/2021 | $75.00 | Private Sale |
07/27/2021 | $50.00 | Private Sale |
07/06/2021 | $70.00 | Private Sale |
08/16/2021 | $350.00 | Private Sale |
08/16/2021 | $800.00 | Private Sale |
07/29/2021 | $75.00 | Private Sale |
07/27/2021 | $50.00 | Private Sale |
07/06/2021 | $70.00 | Private Sale |
08/16/2021 | $350.00 | Private Sale |
08/16/2021 | $800.00 | Private Sale |
07/29/2021 | $75.00 | Private Sale |
07/27/2021 | $50.00 | Private Sale |
07/06/2021 | $70.00 | Private Sale |
