Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster/ Soundgarden Houston 92 Kozik

About this poster

According to Frank, “It was a HOT spring Saturday and I was just sitting around my workspace….this old apartment sort of place near downtown Austin on 14th and San Jacinto… listening to the band on a jam box… no idea what to do… I started flipping through a stack of 70’s softcore porn posters I had just scored earlier that morning at the flea market… liked this one, so I cut it out and was like looking at it when the doorbell rings. It’s this really hot chick, come by for a booty call. Looked a lot like this girl [on the poster] as a matter of fact… so I proceed to like tie her up and get nasty with her for a while. Later, she splits and I finish the poster. Good day, popular poster.”

The soft-core pornographic poster to which Frank refers is for the 1968 Swedish movie release “Jag – en oskuld”, later released in the US as “Inga.” Captured on the poster is the actress Marie Liljedahl as Inga Frilund. Inga is “a 17 year-old sent to live with a scheming aunt who wants her to become mistress of her rich neighbour. She falls for a common young man instead.” The movie was apparently met with moderate success, and the sequel “The Seduction of Inga” was released in the US in 1971. Several of the promotional posters for the "Inga" movies feature the exact image in question. Oddly, the cover of the DVD (released in 2002) displays what appears to be a more modern image of "Inga", obviously meant to look like the original.

The artist later released Man's Ruin Records Showcase, an promotional print featuring a similar design.

The artist later released Green Lady, an art print featuring a similar design.

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  • Sold: 94
  • 6 Month Average:  $0
  • Average Price:  $1,855
  • Lowest Price:  $103
  • Highest Price:  $8,000
  • Original Price:  $0

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dollars Price History

08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale

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Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster / Soundgarden Houston 92 Kozik
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$ 1,855.00
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