Home / Art Prints/ Event Poster/ Tibetan Freedom Concert 99 Multiple Artists

About this poster

According to Chuck Sperry, 250 prints were made - unsigned and unnumbered.

This poster was never released to the general public. This poster was commissioned by the Tibet Freedom Concert, and was intended to be the official limited-edition event poster. After production began 2 typos were found that made it through the approval process (EDDY VEDDER and BLACALICIOUS), as it was too expensive and tedious to remake this hand-made art, the poster was never released and the full edition was never printed. However, to fulfill agreements with the artists, enough of the full sets were completed so each artist got a small amount as well as the show organizers and a few performers. VERY FEW of these posters have made it into circulation.

Each poster is a quarter circle "wedge" approx 18" x 18", together the 4 posters create a circle approx. 36" x 36". Each of the 4 "wedge" sections was designed by a different ART of MODERN ROCK poster artist: Alan Forbes, Chris Shaw, Chuck Sperry and Ron Donovan. Each section was hand-silkscreened separately in 8 colors in 1999 by the Firehouse Kustom Rock Art Co. including fluorescent and metallic inks and die-cut. All color separations were tediously cut by hand, by the artists.

The 1999 Tibet Freedom Concert was actually 4 concerts held at 4 venues worldwide on June 13, 1999. Each poster "wedge" represents a different concert venue and Tibetan directional deity: North/Amsterdam by Alan Forbes, South/ Sydney by Chuck Sperry, West/Chicago by Ron Donovan, East/Tokyo by Chris Shaw. Performers listed include: BEASTIE BOYS, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, EDDIE VEDDER, RUN DMC, THE CULT, BLONDIE, THOM YORKE, GARBAGE, BLUR, JOE STRUMMER, BEN HARPER, ALANIS MORISSETTE, TRACY CHAPMAN, BLACKALICIOUS... and MANY more.

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dollars Price History

08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale

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Home / Art Prints/ Event Poster / Tibetan Freedom Concert 99 Multiple Artists
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