Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster/ Pearl Jam N2 New York 16 Welker

About this poster

"When I listen to Pearl Jam and when think of Pearl Jam I am struck by the raw power and intensity of their delivery, their stage presence, their message and their unrivaled positivity. When I got the call from the band to do this poster it was just after Chinese New Year. I live very close to Chinatown here in New York and in my neighborhood there were parades and fireworks and dragons in the streets. I've been drawing and painting dragons for years. Astrologically I am a dragon. I have an obsession with the Chinese motif as well as the modern 20th Century Japanese monster movie incarnation of the dragon. For years I've wanted to do my interpretation of two intertwined dragons locked in motion together. This to me was a perfect representation of Pearl Jam's relationship to its fans. A Pearl Jam concert is very much about the bands involvement and inclusion of the audience in their music. The show itself becomes a huge participation. A joint effort. The fans sing every song along with Eddie Vedder and they do a very good job of extending the power of his voice. The whole experience of a Pearl Jam concert is this huge, powerful collaboration of energy. The dragon is a representation of pure, energy. Two dragons intertwined is an exponential magnification of this power and intensity. And when they both descend and collide into an amazing city like New York the experience is truly powerful. Even though the dragons may seem in one moment dangerous and menacing the city surges on around them, stopping to observe their awesome magnitude, unafraid of being crushed. In the next moment they will be gone." - DW

The artist later released The Some of One, & Dragon Twine art prints featuring a similar design.

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  • Statistics

  • Sold: 192
  • 6 Month Average:  $0
  • Average Price:  $101
  • Lowest Price:  $41
  • Highest Price:  $380
  • Original Price:  $35

dollars Price History

08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$350.00Private Sale
08/16/2021$800.00Private Sale
07/29/2021$75.00Private Sale
07/27/2021$50.00Private Sale
07/06/2021$70.00Private Sale

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Home / Art Prints/ Gig Poster / Pearl Jam N2 New York 16 Welker
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$ 101.00
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